DAY TWO: June 10 - Cool Stars as Dynamic Objects

Morning : Plenary Session

7:30am Reception open, continental breakfast available at HCCC

8:30am Opening, logistics
8:45am Jeff Hall (Lowell Observatory) Sixty Years (and Counting) of Stargazing: Synoptic Observations of Sun-Like Stars
9:25am Bart De Pontieu (Lockheed-Martin Solar & Astrophysics Lab.) The Solar Chromosphere and Transition Region as Viewed by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS)
10:05am Daniel Apai (University of Arizona) The Physics and Chemistry of Brown Dwarf Clouds: Results from HST and Spitzer Phase Mapping Programs

10:25am Coffee Break
11:10am Moira Jardine (Univ. St. Andrews) The Long and the Short of It: Timescales for Stellar Activity
11:50am Kyle Augustson (High Altitude Observatory - NCAR) Simulations of Cyclical Dynamos and Grand Minima in Sun-like Stars
12:10pm AA Pevtsov (National Solar Observatory) SOLIS: Reconciling Disk-Integrated and Disk-Resolved Spectra from the Sun

12:30pm Lunch & Poster Session

Afternoon : Splinter Sessions:

Galactic Archaeology with Cool Stars (1899 Ballroom)
Magnetic Fields, Dynamos and Aurorae from Brown Dwarfs to Exoplanets (Prochnow)
Stellar surfaces with high spatial and temporal resolution (HCCC)

2:00pm Splinters begin
3:30pm Coffee break
4:15pm Splinter second halves
5:30pm End of day