As of 20 August 2013, the (partially constituted) SOC consists of:
- Gerard van Belle (Lowell, chair)
- France Allard (U. Lyon)
- Tom Ayres (University of Colorado)
- Tim Bedding (U. Sydney)
- Kevin Covey (Lowell)
- Andrea Dupree (CfA)
- Dawn Gelino (NExScI)
- Mark Giampapa (NSO)
- Manuel Güdel (IfA Vienna)
- Hugh Harris (USNO)
- Christiane Helling (St. Andrews)
- James Jenkins (U. Chile)
- Mercedes López-Morales (CfA)
- Douglas Rabin (NASA GSFC)
- Jürgen H. M. M. Schmitt (University of Hamburg)
- Evgenya Shkolnik (Lowell)
- Sami Solanki (MPISS)
- Beate Stelzer (INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo)
- Klaus Strassmeier (Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam)
- David Trilling (NAU)