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Here is a PDF version of my teaching portfolio

2013-2016Guest astronomy teacher at Lakeland Elementary/Middle School in Baltimore, MD as part of Towson University's Project ASTRO.

Twitter pictures [making a comet] [scale model of the solar system] [building Galileoscopes] from 2015-2016 provided by Karen Watson.

Twitter pictures [making a comet] [scale model of the solar system] [building Galileoscopes] [meteors] [Thank you notes :)] [judging the science fair] from 2014-2015 provided by Karen Watson.

Powerpoint slideshow of images from 2013-2014 provided by Karen Watson.

This partnership was featured in two articles in the Spring 2014 issue of the ASP's Mercury magazine (Vol. 43, #2). The full magazine is behind a paywall but a PDF is available upon request.
2011-2013Guest astronomy teacher at Friendship Academy of Science and Technology in Baltimore, MD as part of Towson University's Project ASTRO.

Powerpoint slideshow of images from 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 provided by Karen Watson.
Fall 2009Guest astronomy teacher at Second Mesa Day School on the Hopi Reservation (Navajo-Hopi outreach program)
Spring 2002ASTR 100 section taught by Jim Stone
Fall 2001ASTR 100 section taught by Stuart Vogel
Spring 2001ASTR 100 section taught by Stacy McGaugh
Fall 2000ASTR 100 section taught by Stacy McGaugh

Last updated Apr-24-2015