Stellar Cycling

The "official" web site of the Lowell Riders

Travelogues     The Eddington Number    

I started biking in graduate school. This came to an abrupt halt in 1996 with the birth of my first son Jonathan. Finally, after years of little exercise beyond changing diapers, I got back in the saddle. And the kids are finally getting big enough that they are, too! Flagstaff is an ideal place for mountain biking, and the sport is great exercise, great scenery, and great stress relief. I hope you find some interesting things here, especially if you enjoy cycling. And my current Eddington Number? 27.

TOUR DE LEAF travelogues

Tour de Leaf is getting popular, with riders from Phoenix and Prescott for the fourth installment in 2007. Here are the pictures of bikes and fall colors.

Tour de Leaf: 10/09/2004   [828K]

Tour de Leaf II: 10/08/2005   [1470K]

Tour de Leaf III: 10/08/2006   [1150K]

Tour de Leaf IV: 10/07/2007   [1530K]