June 22, 2008
Bern, Jeff, Steele
It's been all work and not much play lately for the Lowell Riders, but on a very hot Sunday, Steele and I took visiting Bern out for a climb up Schultz, Fort Valley, Chimney Springs, and Lower Moto. Then it was across the beastly pipeline, down a social trail, and down Schultz, the last part being a de rigueur ride conclusion for someone new to the Flag MTB trails.
Below, Bern and Steele roll into the intersection of Fort Valley and Chimney Spring.
Steele arrives at the top of Lower Moto where it hits the pipeline, about 2 miles past (and 600 feet up) from the picture above.
To get over to Schultz, we had to ride about a mile up and down the washes of the pipeline. Here Bern hauls himself up one of the loose, steep grades.
This about 3/4 of the way on the exhilarating bomb down Schultz. There is a description of the grin on Bern's face that is inappropriate for a family MTB site. "Perma-grin," as Steele called it, works much better!
I reached this little drop on Schultz and had a nice fly through the air. It caught Bern by surprise, and he made it (though with a brief howl of dismay). Then Steele launched himself off, and I caught him in mid-air.
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