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Lowell's astronomers carry out research in areas spanning much of modern astrophysics, from studies of tiny icy objects in our own solar system to the structure of distant galaxies. Meet our scientists and learn more about our diverse programs here.

High Precision Orbits of Binary Stars
Larry Wasserman and Otto Franz

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Larry Wasserman

Larry Wasserman, in collaboration with Lowell astronomer Otto Franz, applies his interest in ephemeris calculation to the orbits of relatively close (less than a few tenths of an arcsec), low-mass binary stars. Here, the Lowell Observatory colleagues are interested in obtaining accurate masses of low-mass stars. The binaries are observed with the Fine Guidance Sensor on HST which enables them to measure the separation of the binary to a precison of about milliarcsec and the position angle to a precision of 0.1 deg, even for stars with a difference in brightness of several magnitudes.

Select a program from the list below to read more about it.

Asteroids that go bump in the night

Physical properties of comets

Icy Bodies in the outer solar system

Titan and the Kuiper Belt

Searching for Kuiper Belt Objects

The Transatlantic Exoplanet Survey

Extrasolar planet atmospheres

New solar systems

The rotation of stars

The orbits of binary stars

A stellar census of nearby galaxies


SOFIA and Kepler

The Sun and Earth's climate

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