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The ScatteredLight class removes a scattered light surface from a data frame. It inherits ReduceTool. As with all the reducer objects, ScatteredLight implements methods that set up the various relevant quantities, and a go method that does the actual work. The code samples presented in the documentation below presuppose familiarity with IDL programming and syntax.
2008 July 25 - Documentation written.
float orderWidth
int orderStart
pointer ordMap
pointer lightSurf
Calls ReduceTool::cleanup
Destructor. Calls ReduceTool::cleanup and then frees its own data member pointers. Never call this procedure directly; it is invoked by IDL's Obj_Destroy function.
Structure definition. Specifies the contents of the IDL structure instantiated by the ScatteredLight class. Used by Obj_New; do not invoke directly.
Return pointer lightSurf
Returns a the object's lightSurf data member, which is a pointer to a float array holding the 2D scattered light surface. For SSS data, the dimensions of the array are 512 x 400.
Calls Root::add_history
Removes scattered light from the data frame.
keyword bool verbose
Return bool TRUE, FALSE
Constructor. If the keyword verbose is set, the verbose data member (inherited from Tool) is set to TRUE. Never call this function directly; it is invoked by IDL's Obj_New function.
argument string f
argument int ordLength
argument int numOrders
Loads the contents of the file f.ordmap into the object's ordMap data member. This is an array of floats containing the centroids of each pixel in each order, the principal output of the Ordermap class. For SSS data, it has dimensions [512,20].
argument int o
Sets the value of the object's orderStart data member. This is an SSS-specific function that causes scattered light removal to be applied only to orders at or above orderStart. We only apply scattered light removal to the echelle frame, since what scattered light exists in the single-order blue frame is removed by the debiasing step. Since the blue frame is grafted onto the red frame to combine the whole SSS observation into one image, we need to disable scattered light removal for that order only.
argument float width
Sets the value of the object's orderWidth data member.
argument string f
Writes the data data member to the file f.dsc.
argument string f
Writes the lightSurf data member to the file f.sctlt.