Origins of the Expanding Universe: Participants
- Fred Adams (University of Michigan)
Title: The FUTURE History of Cosmic Expansion (and constituent astrophysical objects)
- Daniel Armstrong (Deakin University and RMIT University)
Title (Art): Spectral Shifts
- Lucia Ayala (University of Applied Arts, Vienna)
Title: Space, time and structure: galactic redshifts in a historical context
- Drew Barringer (Lowell Observatory)
- Antoinette Beiser (Lowell Observatory)
- Ari Belenkiy (British Columbia Institute of Technology)
Title: The Big Bang and Accelerating Universe: Alexander Friedman and the Origin of Modern Cosmology
- Bob Birket (Mesa, AZ)
- Anita Bjorklund (Flagstaff, AZ)
- Paul Bjorklund (Flagstaff, AZ)
- Greg Bothun (University of Oregon)
Title: Cosmological Models: Tenacious Myths and Epicycles
- Klaus Brasch (Flagstaff, AZ)
- John Briggs (HUT Observatory)
Title: A Forgotten Small Telescope that Inspired the Discovery of Galaxies
- Joyce Browning (Flagstaff, AZ)
- Representative Tom Chabin (AZ State Representative)
- G. Kent Colbath (GKC Geoscience, Flagstaff, AZ)
- Peter Coles (Cardiff University, UK)
Title: Einstein, Eddington and the 1919 Eclipse Expeditions
- Frederick Dennstedt (Flagstaff, AZ)
- Luisa Dennstedt (Flagstaff, AZ)
- David DeVorkin (Smithsonian Institution)
Title: Henry Norris Russell: A Loyal Lowellian?
- Sue Durling (Flagstaff, AZ)
- Richard Ellis (Caltech)
Title: A Century of Redshift Surveys: Past, Present and Future
- John Evelan (SKYPi Observatory)
- John Farrell (Forbes Media)
Title: Georges Lemaitre: A Personal Profile
- Joseph Foy (Arizona State University)
- Matt Francis (Prescott Observatory)
- Ken Freeman (Mount Stromlo Observatory)
Title: Slipher and the Nature of the Nebulae
- Owen Gingerich (Center for Astrophysics)
Title: The Critical Role of Russell's Diagram
- Karl Glazebrook (Swinburne University)
- Jeff Hall (Lowell Observatory)
- Scott Harger (Coconino NRCD)
- Mary Kay Hemenway (University of Texas)
- Deidre Hunter (Lowell Observatory)
- Chris Impey (University of Arizona)
Title: A Century of Galaxy Redshifts - From a Few Dozen to Millions
- Emir Karamehmetoglu (Columbia University)
- Don Lago (Flagstaff, AZ)
Title: Edwin Hubble's Silence
- Bruce Lieberman (Carlsbad, CA)
- Nathan Mamo (St. Gall Catholic Church)
- Joseph Marcus (St. Lous, Missouri)
Title (Poster): Another Underappreciated Lowell Observatory Achievement: The First Infrared Observation of a Comet
- Philip Massey (Lowell Observatory)
- Bill McDonald (Prescott Astronomy Club, Lowell Observatory)
- Robert Morgan (Arizona State University)
- Harry Nussbaumer (Institute of Astronomy, ETH Zurich)
Title: Slipher's redshifts as support for de Sitter's universe?
- Andy Odell (Flagstaff, AZ)
- Cormac O'Rafferty (Waterford Institute of Technology)
Title: Who discovered the expanding universe?
- Joe Patterson (Columbia University)
- John Peacock (University of Edinburgh)
Title: Slipher, galaxies and cosmic velocity fields
- William Putnam (Lowell Observatory)
Title: An Apology
- John Radway (Wickenburg, AZ)
Title: Zeitgeist
- James Roberts (Pheonix, AZ)
- Julio Saucedo-Morales (Universidad de Sonora)
- Kevin Schindler (Lowell Observatory)
Title: Serendipity and the Acquisition of the Lowell Spectrograph
- Cynthia Schnitzer (Prescott Astronomy Club)
- Russell Schnitzer (Prescott Astronomy Club)
- Geoffrey Slipher (Great-grandson of VM; US Army Research Laboratory)
- Robert Smith (University of Alberta)
Title: V.M. Slipher: Master of the Spectrograph
- Dava Sobel (East Hampton, NY)
- Matthew Stanley (New York University)
Title: The Varieties of Universal Expansion: Eddington and the Big Bang
- Joseph S. Tenn (Sonoma State University)
Title: What Else Did V.M. Slipher Do?
- Laird Thompson (University of Illinois)
Title: Vesto Slipher and the development of nebular spectrographs
- William Tifft (Steward Observatory)
Title (Poster ): The Nature of the Redshift
- Helena Uthas (Columbia University)
- Michael Way (Goddard Institute for Space Studies)
Title: The Dismantling of Hubble's Legacy
- Donna Weistrop (Lowell Observatory)