*We are grateful for all the effort that went into making The SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) possible. The ADS is operated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory under NASA Cooperative Agreement NNX16AC86A and can be found at: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/
If you notice publications that are missing, or ones that do not belong, please let us know (send email to sel .at. lowell .dot. edu).
For missing articles, please send either the ADS bibcode, or a standard short form journal citation.
- Hsieh, H., Sheppard, S., Thirouin, A., 2024, RNAAS, 8, 283, Confirmation of Recurrent Activity of Main-Belt Comet 456P/PANSTARRS (P/2021 L4)
- Carleton, T., Willner, S., Ellsworth-Bowers, T., et al., 2024, RNAAS, 8, 181, New Spectroscopic Redshift Places PEARLSDG in a Group at 124 Mpc
- Srinivasaragavan, G., Hammerstein, E., Karambelkar, V., et al., 2024, GCN, 35865, 1, Transient EPW20240219aa: Optical observations with LDT
3 publications and 2 citations in 2024.
- Andreoni, I., Srinivasaragavan, G., O'Connor, B., et al., 2023, GCN, 35099, 1, GRB 231117A: Lowell Discovery Telescope Observations
- O'Connor, B., Andreoni, I., Srinivasaragavan, G., et al., 2023, GCN, 35139, 1, GRB 231117A: LDT Confirmation of Optical Fading
- Clark, C., Horch, E., Davidson, J., 2023, RNAAS, 7, 206, A New Stellar Companion to GJ 835
- O'Connor, B., Hammerstein, E., Cenko, S., 2023, GCN, 33680, 1, GRB 230420A: Lowell Discovery Telescope Optical Detection
- O'Connor, B., Hammerstein, E., Cenko, S., et al., 2023, GCN, 33333, 1, GRB 230204B: Lowell Discovery Telescope Observations
- O'Connor, B., Hammerstein, E., Cenko, S., et al., 2023, GCN, 33334, 1, GRB 230205A: Lowell Discovery Telescope Observations
- Knight, M., Holt, C., Villa, K., et al., 2023, ATel, 15879, 1, Rotation period of comet C/2022 E3 ZTF from CN morphology
7 publications and 7 citations in 2023.
- Romanishin, W., Tegler, S., 2022, RNAAS, 6, 251, A Partial Disintegration of Active Centaur/Comet P/2020 MK4?
- O'Connor, B., Andreoni, I., Cenko, S., et al., 2022, GCN, 32957, 1, GRB 221120A: LDT Optical Afterglow Candidate
- Pellegrin, K., Rumstay, K., Hartmann, D., 2022, GCN, 32852, 1, GRB 221009A: SARA-RM 1m Optical Afterglow Detection
- O'Connor, B., Cenko, S., Troja, E., et al., 2022, GCN, 32739, 1, GRB 221009A: Lowell Discovery Telescope Afterglow Detection
- O'Connor, B., Cenko, S., Troja, E., et al., 2022, GCN, 32799, 1, GRB 221009A: Continued LDT Afterglow Monitoring
- Romanishin, W., Tegler, S., 2022, RNAAS, 6, 215, A Small Centaur with a Coma and Tail and Another with a Coma
- O'Connor, B., Cenko, S., Troja, E., et al., 2022, GCN, 32309, 1, GRB 220701A: Lowell Discovery Telescope Optical Observations
- Zhang, Q., Ye, Q., Farnham, T., et al., 2022, ATel, 15358, 1, Disintegration of Near-Sun Comet C/2021 O3 (PANSTARRS)
- O'Connor, B., Cenko, S., Troja, E., et al., 2022, GCN, 31875, 1, GRB 220408A: Lowell Discovery Telescope Optical Observations
9 publications and 3 citations in 2022.
- Clark, C., van Belle, G., Horch, E., 2021, RNAAS, 5, 280, A New Stellar Companion to TYC 5493-889-1
- O'Connor, B., Cenko, S., Troja, E., et al., 2021, GCN, 31000, 1, GRB 211023B: LDT Optical Afterglow Detection
- O'Connor, B., Hammerstein, E., Cenko, S., et al., 2021, GCN, 30934, 1, GRB 210919A: LDT optical observations and candidate host galaxies
- Pravec, P., Kusnirak, P., Hornoch, K., et al., 2021, CBET, 5037, 1, (143649) 2003 QQ_47
- Pravec, P., Hornoch, K., Kucakova, H., et al., 2021, CBET, 5039, 1, (326732) 2003 HB_6
- Gottlieb, A., Dichiara, S., Cenko, S., et al., 2021, GCN, 30860, 1, GRB 210919A: Lowell Discovery Telescope upper limits (correction to GCN 30859)
- Gottlieb, A., 2021, GCN, 30859, 1, GRB 210919a: Lowell Discovery Telescope upper limits
- O'Connor, B., Troja, E., Zack, E., et al., 2021, GCN, 30451, 1, GRB 210704A: Lowell Discovery Telescope Optical Observations
- O'Connor, B., Dichiara, S., Troja, E., et al., 2021, GCN, 29952, 1, Lowell Discovery Telescope Observations of ZTF21aayokph (AT2021lfa)
- O'Connor, B., Dichiara, S., Troja, E., et al., 2021, GCN, 29946, 1, GRB 210504A: Lowell Discovery Telescope optical observations
- Dichiara, S., Troja, E., 2021, GCN, 29540, 1, GRB 210212A: Lowell Discovery Telescope observations
- Ahumada, T., Della Costa, J., Cenko, B., et al., 2021, GCN, 29309, 1, ZTF21aaeyldq: Lowell Discovery Telescope observations
12 publications and 3 citations in 2021.
- Hussaini, M., Mace, G., Lopez-Valdivia, R., et al., 2020, RNAAS, 4, 241, The Impact of Rotation Velocity on Measuring Magnetic Fields of K and M Stars
- Dichiara, S., Troja, E., Cenko, S., et al., 2020, GCN, 29128, 1, GRB 201221D: Lowell Discovery Telescope afterglow observations
- Dichiara, S., Troja, E., Gatkine, P., et al., 2020, GCN, 29054, 1, GRB 201214B: Lowell Discovery Telescope optical observations
- Dichiara, S., Cenko, S., Troja, E., et al., 2020, GCN, 28654, 1, GRB 201014A: Lowell Discovery Telescope afterglow imaging
- Dichiara, S., Cenko, S., Troja, E., et al., 2020, GCN, 28572, 1, GRB 201006A: Lowell Discovery Telescope upper limits
- Zhao, L., Fischer, D., Ford, E., et al., 2020, RNAAS, 4, 156, The EXPRES Stellar-signals Project. I. Description of Data
- Dichiara, S., Cenko, S., Troja, E., et al., 2020, GCN, 28312, 1, GRB 200826A: Lowell Discovery Telescope observations of ZTF20abwysqy
- Dichiara, S., Gatkine, P., Durbak, J., et al., 2020, GCN, 28270, 1, GRB 200729A: Lowell Discovery Telescope observations
- Ye, Q., Farnham, T., Knight, M., et al., 2020, RNAAS, 4, 101, Recovery of Returning Halley-type Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks with the Lowell Discovery Telescope
9 publications and 14 citations in 2020.
- Dichiara, S., a larger Collaboration, 2019, GCN, 26517, 1, LIGO/Virgo S191213g: DCT observation of AT2019wxt
- Gezari, S., van Velzen, S., Perley, D., et al., 2019, ATel, 13127, 1, X-ray Bright Nuclear Transient with Bowen Fluorescence Lines
- Dichiara, S., Troja, E., Cenko, S., et al., 2019, GCN, 25397, 1, LIGO/Virgo S190814bv: No candidates from image subtraction in DCT galaxy targeted search
- Dichiara, S., Troja, E., Cenko, S., et al., 2019, GCN, 25374, 1, LIGO/Virgo S190814bv: No candidates from DCT galaxy targeted search and observations of DECam-GROWTH candidates
- Dichiara, S., Gatkine, P., Durbak, J., et al., 2019, GCN, 24986, 1, GRB 190627A: Discovery Channel Telescope late time observations
- Cenko, S., Frederick, S., Gatkine, P., et al., 2019, GCN, 24430, 1, LIGO/Virgo S190426c: Discovery Channel Telescope Follow-Up of ZTF19aassfws.
- Dichiara, S., Gatkine, P., Durbak, J., et al., 2019, GCN, 23744, 1, GRB 190106A: Discovery Channel Telescope observations.
7 publications and 2 citations in 2019.
- Farnham, T., Knight, M., Schleicher, D., et al., 2018, CBET, 4571, 1, Comet 46P/Wirtanen
- Cushing, M., Moskovitz, N., Gustafsson, A., 2018, RNAAS, 2, 50, Spectroscopic Confirmation That 2MASS J07414279-0506464 Is a Mid-type L Dwarf
- Scholz, A., Llama, J., Muzic, K., et al., 2018, RNAAS, 2, 27, Discovery of a Magnetic White Dwarf with Unusual Short-period Variability
3 publications and 15 citations in 2018.
- Cenko, S., Gatkine, P., Troja, E., et al., 2017, GCN, 20882, 1, LIGO/Virgo G277583: Discovery Channel Telescope Follow-Up of ATLAS17cck
- Cenko, S., Troja, E., 2017, GCN, 20397, 1, Discovery Channel Telescope Imaging of ATLAS17aeu (LVCG268556)
2 publications and 0 citations in 2017.
- Cenko, S., Cao, Y., Kasliwal, M., et al., 2016, ATel, 8909, 1, DCT and Gemini Spectroscopic Classification of AT 2016bln (=iPTF 16abc)
- Cenko, S., Troja, E., 2016, GCN, 19497, 1, GRB 160601A: Discovery Channel Telescope Limits.
2 publications and 11 citations in 2016.
- Toy, V., Capone, J., Cenko, S., et al., 2015, GCN, 17914, 1, GRB150607A: Discovery Channel Telescope Optical Observations.
1 publications and 0 citations in 2015.
- Schleicher, D., Knight, M., Skiff, B., 2014, CBET, 4004, 1, Comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring)
- Toy, V., Capone, J., Cucchiara, A., et al., 2014, GCN, 17145, 1, GRB141121A: Discovery Channel Telescope Optical Observations.
- Toy, V., Capone, J., Troja, E., et al., 2014, GCN, 17152, 1, GRB141207A: Discovery Channel Telescope Optical Observations.
- Capone, J., Toy, V., Cucchiara, A., et al., 2014, GCN, 17153, 1, GRB141202A: Discovery Channel Telescope Optical Observations.
- Cenko, S., Capone, J., Toy, V., et al., 2014, GCN, 16785, 1, GRB 140903A: Confirmation of Optical Fading from Discovery Channel Telescope.
- Capone, J., Toy, V., Cenko, S., et al., 2014, GCN, 16769, 1, GRB140903A: Discovery Channel Telescope Optical Detection.
- Cucchiara, A., Cenko, S., Capone, J., et al., 2014, GCN, 16802, 1, GRB 140907A: Discovery Channel Telescope observations.
- Toy, V., Capone, J., Kocevski, D., et al., 2014, GCN, 16367, 1, GRB140606B/iPTF14bfu: Discovery Channel Telescope Optical Detection.
- Capone, J., Troja, E., Toy, V., et al., 2014, GCN, 15989, 1, GRB140318A: discovery channel telescope optical detection.
- Cenko, S., Toy, V., Kutyrev, A., et al., 2014, GCN, 15838, 1, GRB140215A: prompt observations with discovery channel telescope.
- Toy, V., Cenko, S., Kutyrev, A., et al., 2014, GCN, 15835, 1, GRB140206A: discovery channel telescope optical detection.
- Toy, V., Cenko, S., Kutyrev, A., et al., 2014, GCN, 15850, 1, GRB140215A: continued discovery channel telescope observations.
12 publications and 10 citations in 2014.
- Wasserman, L., Grundy, W., Porter, S., et al., 2013, MPC, 83447, 5, Minor Planet Observations [G37 Lowell Observatory-Discovery Channel Telescope]
1 publications and 0 citations in 2013.
- Wasserman, L., Massey, P., Venetiou, A., et al., 2012, MPC, 80783, 3, Minor Planet Observations [G37 Lowell Observatory-Discovery Channel Telescope]
1 publications and 0 citations in 2012.
69 publications and 67 citations total.