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Research involving Lowell Observatory staff 2025
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Years: 2025 Bottom


  1. Corbett, T., Doner, A., Horanyi, M., et al., (including Grundy, W.), 2025, ApJL, 979, L50, Production, Transport, and Destruction of Dust in the Kuiper Belt: The Effects of Refractory and Volatile Grain Compositions
    The Venetia Burney Student Dust Counter (SDC) on board the New Horizons spacecraft measures the spatial and size distributions of dust along its trajectory. Models based on early SDC measurements predicted a peak dust number density at a heliocentric distance of 40 au, followed by a rapid decline. Instead, SDC observed dust fluxes 23 times higher than predicted between 40 and 60 au. One potential explanation for this discrepancy is that SDC may be encountering icy grains with different dynamical behavior than previously modeled silicate grains. Due to ultraviolet photosputtering, waterice grains rapidly erode and migrate outward, significantly contributing to the measured dust number densities only at distances 40 au. We present a model of silicate and ice grain dynamics in the outer solar system, considering gravitational and radiation forces and grain erosion. Using SDC data, we estimate that the mass production rate of ice grains between 0.1 and 10 m in the Kuiper Belt (KB) would need to be 2070 times higher than that of silicate grains. However, KB grains are expected to be refractory/volatile mixtures rather than pure silicate or ice. Thus, we briefly explore simple models of more realistic mixed-grain cases to further gauge the effects of grain composition on the equilibrium dust distribution. Future SDC measurements at greater distances will test the model predictions and further constrain silicate and ice grain production rates in the KB.
  2. Crossfield, I., Polanski, A., Robertson, P., et al., 2025, AJ, 169, 89, OrCAS: Origins, Compositions, and Atmospheres of Sub-Neptunes. I. Survey Definition
    Sub-Neptunesvolatile-rich exoplanets smaller than Neptuneare intrinsically the most common type of planet known. However, the formation and nature of these objects, as well as the distinctions between subclasses (if any), remain unclear. Two powerful tools to tease out the secrets of these worlds are measurements of (i) atmospheric composition and structure revealed by transit and/or eclipse spectroscopy, and (ii) mass, radius, and density revealed by transit photometry and Doppler spectroscopy. Here, we present OrCAS, a survey to better elucidate the origins, compositions, and atmospheres of sub-Neptunes. This radial velocity survey uses a repeatable, quantifiable metric to select targets suitable for subsequent transmission spectroscopy and address key science themes about the atmospheric and internal compositions and architectures of these systems. Our survey targets 26 systems with transiting sub-Neptune planet candidates, with the overarching goal of increasing the sample of such planets suitable for subsequent atmospheric characterization. This paper lays out our survey's science goals, defines our target prioritization metric, and performs light-curve fits and statistical validation using existing TESS photometry and ground-based follow-up observations. Our survey serves to continue expanding the sample of small exoplanets with well-measured properties orbiting nearby bright stars, ensuring fruitful studies of these systems for many years to come.
  3. Tang, S., Johns-Krull, C., Prato, L., et al., 2025, ApJ, 978, 119, Erratum: "Measuring the Spot Variability of T Tauri Stars Using Near-infrared Atomic Fe and Molecular OH Lines" (2024, ApJ, 973, 124)
    No abstract found.
  4. Esteves, J., Pereira, M., Soares-Santos, M., et al., (including Kuehn, K.), 2025, MNRAS, 536, 931, Copacabana: a probabilistic membership assignment method for galaxy clusters
    Cosmological analyses using galaxy clusters in optical/near-infrared photometric surveys require robust characterization of their galaxy content. Precisely determining which galaxies belong to a cluster is crucial. In this paper, we present the COlor Probabilistic Assignment of Clusters And BAyesiaN Analysis (Copacabana) algorithm. Copacabana computes membership probabilities for all galaxies within an aperture centred on the cluster using photometric redshifts, colours, and projected radial probability density functions. We use simulations to validate Copacabana and we show that it achieves up to 89 per cent membership accuracy with a mild dependence on photometric redshift uncertainties and choice of aperture size. We find that the precision of the photometric redshifts has the largest impact on the determination of the membership probabilities followed by the choice of the cluster aperture size. We also quantify how much these uncertainties in the membership probabilities affect the stellar mass-cluster mass scaling relation, a relation that directly impacts cosmology. Using the sum of the stellar masses weighted by membership probabilities ($\rm \mu _{\star }$) as the observable, we find that Copacabana can reach an accuracy of 0.06 dex in the measurement of the scaling relation at low redshift for a Legacy Survey of Space and Time type survey. These results indicate the potential of Copacabana and $\rm \mu _{\star }$ to be used in cosmological analyses of optically selected clusters in the future.
  5. Simon, A., Kaplan, H., Reuter, D., et al., (including Grundy, W.), 2025, PSJ, 6, 7, Lucy L'Ralph In-flight Calibration and Results at (152830) Dinkinesh
    The L'Ralph instrument is a key component of NASA's Lucy mission, intended to provide spectral image data of multiple Jupiter Trojans. The instrument operates from 0.35 to 4 m using two focal plane assemblies: a 350950 nm multispectral imager, Multi-spectral Visible Imaging Camera (MVIC), and a 0.974 m imaging spectrometer, Linear Etalon Imaging Spectral Array (LEISA). Instrument calibration was established through ground testing before launch and has been monitored during cruise utilizing internal calibration sources and stellar targets. In-flight data have shown that the instrument thermal performance is exceeding expectations, allowing for early updates to LEISA radiometric and pointing calibrations. MVIC radiometric performance remains stable more than 3 yr since launch. The serendipitous identification of a new flyby target, (152830) Dinkinesh, allowed testing of instrument performance and interleaved LEISA and MVIC acquisitions on an asteroid target. Both MVIC and LEISA obtained data of Dinkinesh and its moon, Selam, demonstrating that they show good spectral agreement with an S- or Sq-type asteroid, along with evidence of a 3 m absorption feature.
  6. Chandler, C., Sedaghat, N., Oldroyd, W., et al., (including Farrell, K.), 2025, RNAAS, 9, 3, AI-enhanced Citizen Science Discovers Cometary Activity on Near-Earth Object (523822) 2012 DG61
    We report the discovery of cometary activity in the form of a pronounced tail emanating from Near-Earth Object (523822) 2012 DG61, identified in UT 2024 April 18 Dark Energy Camera images by our AI assistant TailNet. TailNet is an AI designed to filter out images unlikely to show activity for volunteers of our NASA Partner "Active Asteroids" Citizen Science campaign, from which our AI is trained. Subsequently, our archival investigation revealed 2012 DG61 is recurrently active after we found it displaying a pronounced tail in a UT 2018 April 16 Steward Observatory Bart Bok 2.3 m telescope image and UT 2018 May 14 observations by G. Borisov with the 0.3 m telescope at MARGO Observatory. Our dynamical integrations reveal that 2012 DG61, an Apollo dynamical class member, is likely in 2:1 mean-motion resonance with Jupiter. We encourage additional observations to help characterize the activity morphology of this near-Earth comet.
  7. Jenniskens, P., Johannink, C., Moskovitz, N., et al., 2025, eMetN, 10, 20, Short note on what appears to have been a 2024 outburst of epsilon-Ursae-Minorids (IAU#1044)
    A meteor outburst with a radiant in Ursa Minor was detected by low-light level video cameras of the Global Meteor Network and by Belarusian and Ukranian meteor camera networks on September 2325, 2024. Here, we report on the results from the CAMS network and discuss the possible association with the epsilon-Ursae-Minorids outburst observed in 2019. If this is the same stream, a return of the shower is expected in 2025, and again in 2030/2031.
  8. Awad, P., Li, T., Erkal, D., et al., (including Kuehn, K.), 2025, A&A, 693, A69, S5: New insights from deep spectroscopic observations of the tidal tails of the globular clusters NGC 1261 and NGC 1904
    As globular clusters (GCs) orbit the Milky Way, their stars are tidally stripped and form tidal tails that follow the orbit of the cluster around the Galaxy. The morphology of these tails is complex and shows correlations with the phase of orbit and the orbital angular velocity, especially for GCs on eccentric orbits. Here we focus on two GCs, NGC 1261 and NGC 1904, that were potentially accreted alongside Gaia-Enceladus and that have shown signatures of having, in addition to tidal tails, structures formed by distributions of extra-tidal stars that are misaligned with the general direction of the clusters' respective orbits. To provide an explanation for the formation of these structures, we made use of spectroscopic measurements from the Southern Stellar Stream Spectroscopic Survey (S5) as well as proper motion measurements from Gaia's third data release (DR3), and applied a Bayesian mixture modelling approach to isolate high-probability member stars. We recovered extra-tidal features surrounding each cluster matching findings from previous work. We then conducted N-body simulations and compared the expected spatial distribution and variation in the dynamical parameters along the orbit with those of our potential member sample. Furthermore, we used Dark Energy Camera (DECam) photometry to inspect the distribution of the member stars in the colour-magnitude diagram (CMD). We find that potential members agree reasonably with the N-body simulations, and that the majority follow a simple stellar population distribution in the CMD, which is characteristic of GCs. We link the extra-tidal features with their orbital properties and find that the presence of the tails agrees well with the theory of stellar stream formation through tidal disruption. In the case of NGC 1904, we clearly detect the tidal debris escaping the inner and outer Lagrange points, which are expected to be prominent when at or close to the apocentre of its orbit. Our analysis allows for further exploration of other GCs in the Milky Way that exhibit similar extra-tidal features.
  9. Hsieh, H., Noonan, J., Kelley, M., et al., (including Thirouin, A., Moskovitz, N.), 2025, PSJ, 6, 3, The Volatile Composition and Activity Evolution of Main-belt Comet 358P/PANSTARRS
    We report the detection of water vapor associated with main-belt comet 358P/PANSTARRS on UT 2024 January 89 using the NIRSPEC instrument on board JWST. We derive a water production rate of molecules s1, marking only the second direct detection of sublimation products of any kind from a main-belt comet, after 238P/Read. Similar to 238P, we find a remarkable absence of hypervolatile species, finding molecules s1, corresponding to %. Upper limits on CH3OH and CO emission are also estimated. Photometry from ground-based observations shows that the dust coma brightened and faded slowly over 250 days in 20232024, consistent with photometric behavior observed in 20122013, but also indicates a 2.5 decline in the dust production rate between these two periods. Dynamical dust modeling shows that the coma's morphology as imaged by JWST's NIRCam instrument on 2023 November 22 can be reproduced by asymmetric dust emission from a nucleus with a midrange obliquity ( 80) with a steady-state mass-loss rate of 0.8 kg s1. Finally, we find similar Af -to-gas ratios of for 358P and for 238P, suggesting that Af could serve as an effective proxy for estimating water production rates in other active main-belt comets. The confirmation of water vapor outgassing in both main-belt comets observed by JWST to date reinforces the use of recurrent activity near perihelion as an indicator of sublimation-driven activity in active asteroids.
  10. Faga, L., Andrade-Oliveira, F., Camacho, H., et al., (including Kuehn, K.), 2025, MNRAS, 536, 1586, Dark energy survey year 3 results: cosmology from galaxy clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing in harmonic space
    We present the joint tomographic analysis of galaxy-galaxy lensing and galaxy clustering in harmonic space (HS), using galaxy catalogues from the first three years of observations by the Dark Energy Survey (DES Y3). We utilize the REDMAGIC and MAGLIM catalogues as lens galaxies and the METACALIBRATION catalogue as source galaxies. The measurements of angular power spectra are performed using the pseudo-$C_\ell$ method, and our theoretical modelling follows the fiducial analyses performed by DES Y3 in configuration space, accounting for galaxy bias, intrinsic alignments, magnification bias, shear magnification bias and photometric redshift uncertainties. We explore different approaches for scale cuts based on non-linear galaxy bias and baryonic effects contamination. Our fiducial covariance matrix is computed analytically, accounting for mask geometry in the Gaussian term, and including non-Gaussian contributions and super-sample covariance terms. To validate our HS pipelines and covariance matrix, we used a suite of 1800 log-normal simulations. We also perform a series of stress tests to gauge the robustness of our HS analysis. In the $\Lambda$CDM model, the clustering amplitude $S_8 =\sigma _8(\Omega _m/0.3)^{0.5}$ is constrained to $S_8 = 0.704\pm 0.029$ and $S_8 = 0.753\pm 0.024$ (68 per cent C.L.) for the REDMAGIC and MAGLIM catalogues, respectively. For the wCDM, the dark energy equation of state is constrained to $w = -1.28 \pm 0.29$ and $w = -1.26^{+0.34}_{-0.27}$, for REDMAGIC and MAGLIM catalogues, respectively. These results are compatible with the corresponding DES Y3 results in configuration space and pave the way for HS analyses using the DES Y6 data.
  11. Chen, R., Scolnic, D., Vincenzi, M., et al., (including Kuehn, K.), 2025, MNRAS, 536, 1948, Evaluating cosmological biases using photometric redshifts for Type Ia Supernova cosmology with the Dark Energy Survey Supernova Program
    Cosmological analyses with Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia) have traditionally been reliant on spectroscopy for both classifying the type of supernova and obtaining reliable redshifts to measure the distance-redshift relation. While obtaining a host-galaxy spectroscopic redshift for most SNe is feasible for small-area transient surveys, it will be too resource intensive for upcoming large-area surveys such as the Vera Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time, which will observe on the order of millions of SNe. Here, we use data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES) to address this problem with photometric redshifts (photo-z) inferred directly from the SN light curve in combination with Gaussian and full $p(z)$ priors from host-galaxy photo-z estimates. Using the DES 5-yr photometrically classified SN sample, we consider several photo-z algorithms as host-galaxy photo-z priors, including the Self-Organizing Map redshifts (SOMPZ), Bayesian Photometric Redshifts (BPZ), and Directional-Neighbourhood Fitting (DNF) redshift estimates employed in the DES 3 2 point analyses. With detailed catalogue-level simulations of the DES 5-yr sample, we find that the simulated w can be recovered within $\pm 0.02$ when using SN+SOMPZ or DNF prior photo-z, smaller than the average statistical uncertainty for these samples of 0.03. With data, we obtain biases in w consistent with simulations within ${\sim} 1\sigma$ for three of the five photo-z variants. We further evaluate how photo-z systematics interplay with photometric classification and find classification introduces a subdominant systematic component. This work lays the foundation for next-generation fully photometric SNe Ia cosmological analyses.
  12. Kutra, T., Prato, L., Tofflemire, B., et al., (including Tang, S.), 2025, AJ, 169, 20, Sites of Planet Formation in Binary Systems. II. Double the Disks in DF Tau
    This article presents the latest results of our Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) program to study circumstellar disk characteristics as a function of orbital and stellar properties in a sample of young binary star systems known to host at least one disk. Optical and infrared observations of the eccentric, 48 yr period binary DF Tau indicated the presence of only one disk around the brighter component. However, our 1.3 mm ALMA thermal continuum maps show two nearly equal-brightness components in this system. We present these observations within the context of updated stellar and orbital properties, which indicate that the inner disk of the secondary is absent. Because the two stars likely formed together, with the same composition, in the same environment, and at the same time, we expect their disks to be co-eval. However the absence of an inner disk around the secondary suggests uneven dissipation. We consider several processes that have the potential to accelerate inner disk evolution. Rapid inner disk dissipation has important implications for planet formation, particularly in the terrestrial-planet-forming region.
  13. Shah, P., Davis, T., Vincenzi, M., et al., (including Kuehn, K.), 2025, MNRAS, 536, 946, Constraints on compact objects from the Dark Energy Survey 5-yr supernova sample
    Gravitational lensing magnification of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) allows information to be obtained about the distribution of matter on small scales. In this paper, we derive limits on the fraction $\alpha$ of the total matter density in compact objects (which comprise stars, stellar remnants, small stellar groupings, and primordial black holes) of mass M > 0.03 ${\rm M}_{\odot }$ over cosmological distances. Using 1532 SNe Ia from the Dark Energy Survey Year 5 sample (DES-SN5YR) combined with a Bayesian prior for the absolute magnitude M, we obtain < 0.12 at the 95 per cent confidence level after marginalization over cosmological parameters, lensing due to large-scale structure, and intrinsic non-Gaussianity. Similar results are obtained using priors from the cosmic microwave background, baryon acoustic oscillations, and galaxy weak lensing, indicating our results do not depend on the background cosmology. We argue our constraints are likely to be conservative (in the sense of the values we quote being higher than the truth), but discuss scenarios in which they could be weakened by systematics of the order of $\Delta \alpha \sim 0.04$.
  14. 13 publications and 17 citations in 2025.

13 publications and 17 citations total.
