B. Taring onto tape

Here's what we can expect. A DSS-4 DAT tape holds 22Gb with mild compression.

Broadband: 5x5x270Mb = 6.7Gb

Narrowband: 3x5x270Mb = 4.0Gb

Complete (with stacked): 8x5x1.2x270Mb=13Gb

Complete obj: 8x5x270Mb=11Gb

WR filters: 3x3x270Mb = 2.5Gb

To write multiple files onto a tar tape, set up a file like this. Note that the "n" is crucial if you are going to be putting more than one file on the tape.

cd /data2/sholmes/CTIO
tar -cvf /dev/rmt/3cn Phoeobjctio
cd /data0/sholmes/Peg/broadband
tar -cvf /dev/rmt/3cn obj
mt -f /dev/rmt/3 rew
tar -tvf /dev/rmt/3n > /home/massey/survey/TAPES/UBA-1
tar -tvf /dev/rmt/3n > /home/massey/survey/TAPES/UBA-2
mt -f /dev/rmt/3 off