Recovering the reductions from the "obj" stage

Midway through the reductions, we revised our procedures to those described earlier. Unfortunately this meant recovering the partially reduced objXXX.fits (ccdproc'd, pupil removed, and revised-WCSed) images from tape, and re-reducing. Hahahaha. These are the steps necessary.

  1. Fix the bad pixels ( 10 min (total)/image (I/O bound)
    1. cp /data0/massey/Calib_Oct/bpkpno*.pl.
    2. hedit obj*.fits[1] BPM up+ ver- show+, etc.
    3. hedit obj*.fits[1] SATURATE 39000, etc
    4. ccdproc obj*.fits [generates new bad pixels masks with saturated stars marked]: 1.9 min/image
    5. msccmd "fixpix $input BPM" input=@all [actually fixes the bad pixels] 7.5 minutes/image
  2. Check the wcs for all images:
    msccmatch @all M31F2.usno update- interact- fit- verbose+ accept- 3.8 min/image
  3. mscimage --->fobj 37min/image (CPU-bound)
  4. fobj--->ffobj using "" which uses the bad pixel masks to set interpolated data to 50000
    imexpr "b!=0 ? 50000 : a" outimage inimage inmask 3 min/image
  5. Prepare to stack:
    1. imexamine one fobj from each filter, and record fwhm
    2. implot one fobj from each filter, and record rms
    3. philmatch with fwhm and sigbk specified
  6. stack and shift with (mscstack and