7.C. WCS: MSCcmatch.

We need to revise the WCS information in the header so that we can then do geometrical transformations to a a uniform plate scale.

MSCRED uses GEOMAP to do do the coordiante fitting. The "new" version of GEOMAP, in "immatchx", contains a very useful parameter maxiter, which allows the routine to reject outlying points. To take advantage of this, you must do the following:

unload mscred

load immatchx <---immatch for V4.8

epar geomap to make sure that "maxiter=3" (say)

load mscred

Proceed as folllows....We assume here that we will get a new list of coordinates for each frame via the magical call to mscgetcat specified under "coords":

PACKAGE = mscred
TASK = msccmatch

input = obj*p.fits List of input mosaic exposures coords = !mscgetcat $I $C Coordinate file (ra/dec) (outcoor= ) List of updated coordinate files (usebpm = yes) Use bad pixel mask? (nsearch= 60) Maximum number of positions to use in search (search = 30.) Translation search radius (arcsec) (rsearch= 0.2) Rotation search radius (deg) (nfit = 50) Min for fit (>0) or max not found (<=0) (rms = 0.5) Maximum fit RMS to accept (arcsec) (maxshif= 5.) Maximum centering shift (arcsec) (fitgeom= general) Fitting geometry (reject = 3.) Fitting rejection limit (sigma) (update = yes) Update coordinate systems? (interac= yes) Interactive? (fit = yes) Interactive fitting? (verbose= yes) Verbose? (listcoo= no) List centered coordinates in verbose mode? (graphic= stdgraph) Graphics device (cursor = ) Graphics cursor accept = yes Accept solution? (mode = q)