4. Removing the Ghost

For the Kitt Peak data, we need to remove the pupil ghost using MSCred's task rmpupil, using a ghost pupil that we create from the flattened data. mscpupil The rmpupiltask will guess a scaling, and we adjust it interactively until we're happy.

PACKAGE = mscred
   TASK = rmpupil

input   =                   @u  List of input mosaic exposures
output  =                @u//p  List of output mosaic exposures
template=            Upup.fits  Template mosaic exposure
(type   =           difference) Type of removal
(extname=             im[2367]) Extensions for fit
(blkavg =                    8) Block average factor
(fudge  =                  1.6) Fudge factor
(scale  =                INDEF) Scale (INDEF for automatic estimate)
(interac=                  yes) Interactive?
(mscexam=                   no) Examine corrections with MSCEXAM?
(verbose=                  yes) Verbose output?
newscale=                   0.  Scale (0=done, -1=abort, -2=new blkavg)
newblk  =                    8  New block average factor
(fd1    =                     )
(fd2    =                     )
(fd3    =                     )
(mode   =                   ql)

The newer versions of rmpup (V4.8) no longer appear to be interactive, and instead use some new-fangled "mask" philosophy to identify objects/bad columns. I have no idea what this means, and of course there's no documentation. I tried running the code "blind" and at least on simple frames the ghost removal appears to be perfect. That's progress, I guess. Fortunately, the OLD version of rmpupil is still there, as irmpupil .

input   =                 @all  List of input images
output  =              @all//p  List of output corrected images
pupil   =            pupI.fits  Pupil or list of pupil patterns
masks   =                       List of object/bad data masks
(pupilma=                     ) Pupil masks
(outtype=                sdiff) Output type
(ncblk  =                    5) Column smoothing
(nlblk  =                    5) Line smoothing
(extfit =             im[2367]) Extensions to use in scaling fit
(logfile=                     ) Logfile
(verbose=                  yes) Verbose?
(mode   =                   ql)