II-2-A. The Ghost Pupil: mscpupil (For KPNO data only)

Images taken through the Kitt Peak Mayall corrector show a ghost donut near the middle; it is most pronouced in images taken through the interference filters, and at U and I. We need to get rid of the ghost pupil image in the flat fields, and we need to create a good ghost image pupil that we can use to subtract from our data.

We run both the combined dome flats and sky flats through mscpupil (with type=ratio) produces ghost-free verions:

PACKAGE= mscred
   TASK = mscpupil

input   =                domeU  List of input images
output  =          domeUp.fits  List of output images
(masks  =                  BPM) List of masks
(type   =                ratio) Output type
(lmedian=                   no) Subtract line-by-line median?
(xc     =                  27.) Pattern center offset (pixels)
(yc     =                   9.) Pattern center offset (pixels)
(rin    =                 300.) Radius of inner background ring (pixels)
(drin   =                  20.) Width of inner background ring (pixels)
(rout   =                1500.) Radius of outer background ring (pixels)
(drout  =                  20.) Width of outer background ring (pixels)
(funcin =            chebyshev) Inner azimuthal background fitting function
(orderin=                    2) Inner azimuthal background fitting order
(funcout=              spline3) Outer azimuthal background fitting function
(orderou=                    2) Outer azimuthal background fitting order
(rfuncti=              spline3) Radial profile fitting function
(rorder =                   40) Radial profile fitting order
(abin   =                   0.) Azimuthal bin (deg)
(astep  =                   0.) Azimuthal step (deg)
(niterat=                    3) Number of rejection iterations
(lreject=                   3.) Low rejection rms factor
(hreject=                   3.) High rejection rms factor
(datamin=                INDEF) Minimum good data value
(datamax=                INDEF) Maximum good data value
(verbose=                  yes) Print information?
(fd     =                     )
(mode   =                   ql)

We can now decide which type of flat does a better job of flattening our data by simply taking a few examples and running them through ccdproc.