ccdproc will be used to do the following:

Some of the Kitt Peak data contains bias jumps, and the only way of getting rid of these is by using a ridiculously high order to fit the overscan: 3900 order function spline3 does fine, and doesn't seem to have a bad affect on data without the bias jumps, so we adopt that.

We assume that the calibration data (Zero frame Zeron1, master flats master*..., crosstalk file xtalk*.dat) are sitting in some subdirectory, so we begin by doing a:
set z="/data0/massey/Calib_Oct00/"

files obj*%.fits%% > all
creates the file "all" containing the root image names (minus the ".fits").

PACKAGE = mscred
   TASK = ccdproc
images  =                 @all  List of Mosaic CCD images to process
(output =                     ) List of output processed images
(bpmasks=                 @all) List of output bad pixel masks
(ccdtype=               object) CCD image type to process
(noproc =                   no) List processing steps only?

(xtalkco=                  yes) Apply crosstalk correction?
(fixpix =                  yes) Apply bad pixel mask correction?
(oversca=                  yes) Apply overscan strip correction?
(trim   =                  yes) Trim the image?
(zerocor=                  yes) Apply zero level correction?
(darkcor=                   no) Apply dark count correction?
(flatcor=                  yes) Apply flat field correction?
(sflatco=                   no) Apply sky flat field correction?
(merge  =                  yes) Merge amplifiers from same CCD?

(xtalkfi=         z$xtalk*.dat) Crosstalk file
(fixfile=                  BPM) List of bad pixel masks
(saturat=            !SATURATE) Saturated pixel threshold

(sgrow  =                    0) Saturated pixel grow radius
(bleed  =            mean+5000) Bleed pixel threshold
(btrail =                   20) Bleed trail minimum length
(bgrow  =                    0) Bleed pixel grow radius
(biassec=                image) Overscan strip image section
(trimsec=                image) Trim data section
(zero   =         z$Zero*.fits) List of zero level calibration images
(dark   =                     ) List of dark count calibration images
(flat   =       z$master*.fits) List of flat field images
(sflat  =                     ) List of secondary flat field images
(minrepl=                   1.) Minimum flat field value

(interac=                   no) Fit overscan interactively?
(functio=              spline3) Fitting function
(order  =                 3900) Number of polynomial terms or spline pieces
(sample =                    *) Sample points to fit
(naverag=                    1) Number of sample points to combine
(niterat=                    1) Number of rejection iterations
(low_rej=                   3.) Low sigma rejection factor
(high_re=                   3.) High sigma rejection factor
(grow   =                   0.) Rejection growing radius
(fd     =                     )
(fd2    =                     )
(mode   =                   ql)