Solar-Type Stars: Basic Information on Their Characterization and Classification
David R. Soderblom & Jeremy R. King (Space Telescope Science Institute)

9. Questions

Here we summarize questions raised that are relevant to the issue of solar twinness.
Twins can have different states within a common envelope.


We wish to thank the following for contributing materials shown here and for ongoing collaborations: Burt Jones (Lick Obs.); John Stauffer (CfA); D. Latham et al. (CfA); Todd Henry, Lionel Siess (STScI); S. Baliunas, R. Donahue (CfA); F. Benedict (U. Texas); O. Franz (Lowell Obs.); M. Pinsonneault, D. Terndrup (Ohio State); and finally G. Cayrel de Strobel, for inspiring us to get together. We also thank Larry Petro for his careful reading of the manuscript.


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[First | Prev | Discussion]