Orcus and Vanth (90482 2004 DW)

System parameters

Heliocentric orbitPhotometry Position 2022/03/21 22:18 UTC
DES class = 3:2E HV = 2.284±0.009 +10:24:40.08 -11:53:34.9
<a> = 39.45 (AU) V = 19.1 (V2 = 21.8) Uncertainty = 0.0 (arcsec)
<e> = 0.254 Δmag = 2.61 Rates: -2.392, +1.276 ("/hr)
<i> = 21.19 (degrees) B-V = 0.62±0.02  
Perihelion = 2142 V-R = 0.41±0.03 Opposition: February
Aphelion = 2019    

Astrometric observations

Observation time (UTC)Observatory/InstrumentRADEC Δ (AU)Δx (arcsec) Δx errorΔy (arcsec) Δy error
2005/11/13  03.72408 HST/ACS-HRC +09:36:09.73 -04:21:37.2 47.80992 +0.20792 0.00492 -0.14342 0.00992
2006/10/31  20.87116 HST/ACS-HRC +09:39:16.16 -04:44:02.8 48.07421 +0.22597 0.00102 -0.11307 0.00071
2006/11/03  01.60394 HST/ACS-HRC +09:39:19.55 -04:45:15.3 48.04100 -0.09310 0.00050 -0.22635 0.00050
2006/11/04  20.78134 HST/ACS-HRC +09:39:22.07 -04:46:13.7 48.01205 -0.25893 0.00050 -0.00560 0.00079
2006/11/12  01.89691 HST/ACS-HRC +09:39:29.52 -04:49:57.5 47.89683 -0.00694 0.00185 -0.24344 0.00050
2006/11/16  14.12718 HST/ACS-HRC +09:39:32.03 -04:52:08.3 47.82344 -0.03718 0.00058 +0.24113 0.00050
2006/11/26  15.51079 HST/ACS-HRC +09:39:31.58 -04:56:30.1 47.65866 +0.05228 0.00085 +0.24033 0.00050
2006/12/10  20.06303 HST/ACS-HRC +09:39:16.98 -05:01:17.9 47.43215 -0.03180 0.00050 -0.24410 0.00050
2007/11/11  19.03200 HST/NICMOS +09:42:49.17 -05:18:30.7 47.96773 -0.26300 0.00500 -0.02400 0.00500
2007/12/05  06.72556 HST/WFPC2-PC +09:42:46.60 -05:28:34.8 47.58532 +0.24288 0.00241 +0.07814 0.00418
2010/02/23  05.68464 VLT/SINFONI +09:45:08.90 -06:23:46.0 46.95438 +0.26000 0.02500 +0.05200 0.02500
2015/04/05  09.12003 Keck/NIRC2 +09:59:46.51 -08:28:55.4 47.30708 -0.07854 0.00100 +0.22974 0.00100
plus proprietary data                

Orbital knowledge

Parameter Value Units
P period9.53915±0.00002days
a semimajor axis9000±9kilometers
e eccentricity0.0009±0.0005dimensionless
i inclination105.0±0.2degrees
ε mean longitude at epoch188.5±0.4degrees
Ω longitude of ascending node53.5±0.3degrees
ϖ longitude of periapsis330±50degrees

Angles are referenced to J2000 equatorial coordinates.

Epoch = Julian date 2454000.0

2022/03/21 22:18

Last updated: 2022/03/21 22:18 UTC