275809 (2001 QY297)

System parameters

Heliocentric orbitPhotometry Position 2022/03/21 22:18 UTC
DES class = CLASSICAL HV = 5.91±0.07 +22:27:38.09 -10:48:33.7
<a> = 43.90 (AU) V = 22.4 (V2 = 23.2) Uncertainty = 0.1 (arcsec)
<e> = 0.074 Δmag = 0.20 Rates: +3.360, +1.236 ("/hr)
<i> = 0.95 (degrees) B-V = 1.0±0.2  
Perihelion = 1953 V-R = 0.51±0.04 Opposition: August
Aphelion = 2100    

Astrometric observations

Observation time (UTC)Observatory/InstrumentRADEC Δ (AU)Δx (arcsec) Δx errorΔy (arcsec) Δy error
2006/04/18  17.25408 HST/ACS-HRC +21:12:06.38 -16:51:29.8 43.14809 +0.06581 0.00050 -0.05436 0.00050
2007/08/17  13.84333 HST/WFPC2-PC +21:13:05.49 -16:51:02.5 41.98704 -0.43140 0.00119 -0.00818 0.00100
2007/08/19  09.63917 HST/WFPC2-PC +21:12:57.10 -16:51:40.2 41.99289 -0.44073 0.00176 -0.01431 0.00107
2008/04/11  01.85611 HST/WFPC2-PC +21:21:58.19 -16:10:20.9 43.47624 -0.05513 0.00134 +0.07862 0.00108
2008/04/30  21.21703 HST/WFPC2-PC +21:22:47.44 -16:06:58.0 43.16039 -0.30222 0.00100 +0.03979 0.00100
2008/08/01  09.44361 HST/WFPC2-PC +21:19:34.02 -16:23:36.4 42.05930 +0.16786 0.00168 -0.00815 0.00124
plus proprietary data                

Orbital knowledge

Comments: Orbit published here.
Parameter Value Units
P period138.118±0.006days
a semimajor axis9960±30kilometers
e eccentricity0.418±0.002dimensionless
i inclination172.9±0.2degrees
ε mean longitude at epoch34±2degrees
Ω longitude of ascending node135±1degrees
ϖ longitude of periapsis213±2degrees

Angles are referenced to J2000 equatorial coordinates.

Epoch = Julian date 2454200.0

2022/03/21 22:18

Last updated: 2022/03/21 22:18 UTC