Gǃkúnǁ’hòmdímà and Gǃò’é ǃhú (229762 2007 UK126)

System parameters

Heliocentric orbitPhotometry Position 2022/03/21 22:18 UTC
DES class = SCATNEAR HV = 3.68±0.03 +05:04:33.29 +03:30:00.6
<a> = 73.69 (AU) V = 19.8 (V2 = 23.6) Uncertainty = 0.0 (arcsec)
<e> = 0.496 Δmag = 3.79 Rates: +1.403, +1.434 ("/hr)
<i> = 21.38 (degrees) B-V = NULL  
Perihelion = 2046 V-R = 0.62±0.05 Opposition: December
Aphelion = 2361    

Additional links

How to say the names Gǃkúnǁ’hòmdímà and Gǃò’é ǃhú

Astrometric observations

Observation time (UTC)Observatory/InstrumentRADEC Δ (AU)Δx (arcsec) Δx errorΔy (arcsec) Δy error
2008/11/13  06.64528 HST/WFPC2-PC +03:57:58.42 -03:08:17.4 44.65817 -0.08708 0.00371 -0.12151 0.00280
2009/12/11  08.19085 Keck/NIRC2 +04:00:59.51 -02:46:37.7 44.33387 -0.13552 0.00600 -0.00385 0.00600
2009/12/12  07.86932 Keck/NIRC2 +04:00:55.33 -02:46:37.6 44.33901 -0.18020 0.00600 -0.06806 0.00600
2018/01/02  14.81575 HST/WFC3 +04:42:44.67 +00:55:34.4 41.67363 -0.13566 0.00354 -0.13399 0.00139
2018/01/03  11.25583 HST/WFC3 +04:42:41.26 +00:55:44.1 41.68046 -0.08324 0.00394 -0.13567 0.00100
2018/03/27  07.60542 HST/WFC3 +04:41:46.72 +01:34:48.2 42.79690 +0.16284 0.00260 +0.08656 0.00100
2018/03/31  06.74712 HST/WFC3 +04:41:59.66 +01:37:09.1 42.84963 -0.05961 0.06000 -0.00461 0.06000
2018/08/04  23.05375 HST/WFC3 +04:53:18.03 +02:05:29.9 42.73237 -0.16166 0.00100 -0.10611 0.00151

Orbital knowledge

Comments: Orbit from astrometric observations published here.
Parameter Value Units
P period11.3147±0.0002days
a semimajor axis6040±50kilometers
e eccentricity0.024±0.007dimensionless
i inclination43.7±0.4degrees
ε mean longitude at epoch344±1degrees
Ω longitude of ascending node111±1degrees
ϖ longitude of periapsis90±20degrees

Angles are referenced to J2000 equatorial coordinates.

Epoch = Julian date 2457000.0

2022/03/21 22:18

Last updated: 2022/03/21 22:18 UTC