techniques: imaging spectroscopy

A MUSE view of the asymmetric jet from HD 163296

Context. Jets and outflows are thought to play important roles in regulating star formation and disk evolution. An important question is how the jets are launched. HD 163296 is a well- studied Herbig Ae star that hosts proto-planet candidates, a …

Searching for proto-planets with MUSE

Context. Protoplanetary disks contain structures such as gaps, rings, and spirals, which are thought to be produced by the interaction between the disk and embedded protoplanets. However, only a few planet candidates are found orbiting within …

CS Cha B: A disc-obscured M-type star mimicking a polarised planetary companion

Context. Direct imaging provides a steady flow of newly discovered giant planets and brown dwarf companions. These multi-object systems can provide information about the formation of low-mass companions in wide orbits and/or help us to speculate …

The Single-mode Complex Amplitude Refinement (SCAR) coronagraph. II. Lab verification, and toward the characterization of Proxima b

We present the monochromatic lab verification of the newly developed SCAR coronagraph that combines a phase plate (PP) in the pupil with a microlens-fed single-mode fiber array in the focal plane. The two SCAR designs that have been measured, create …

Combining high-dispersion spectroscopy with high contrast imaging: Probing rocky planets around our nearest neighbors

Context. Ground-based high-dispersion (R ~ 100 000) spectroscopy (HDS) is proving to be a powerful technique with which to characterize extrasolar planets. The planet signal is distilled from the bright starlight, combining ral and time-differential …