We have processed full-Stokes observations made with the SOLIS-VSM using Fe I 630.15 and Fe I 630.25 nm. The data have high spectral and temporal resolution, moderate spatial resolution, and large polarimetric sensitivity and accuracy. We use the code LILIA, an LTE inversion code written by Socas-Navarro (2001), in order to invert the data in vector magnetic fields. The 180-degree ambiguity in magnetic field orientation is solved by using the Non-Potential Field Calculation (NPFC) method of Georgoulis (2005). The output product are maps of the fullmagnetic field vector at the photospheric level, as illustrated in Fig. 1. We performed such inversions for observations of active region NOAA 10808 taken during an X-class flare in September 2005. Details of the data processing and the first results are given in the proceedings of the Fifth Solar PolarizationWorkshop (ASP Conf. Ser., in press).