Seething Horizontal Magnetic Fields in the Quiet Solar Photosphere


The photospheric magnetic field outside of active regions and the network has a ubiquitous and dynamic line-of-sight component that strengthens away from disk center as expected for a nearly horizontal orientation. This component shows a striking time variation with an average temporal rms of 1.7 G at 3 arcsec resolution. In our moderate resolution observations the nearly horizontal component has a frequency variation power law exponent of -1.4 below 1.5 mHz and is spatially patchy on scales up to 15 arcsec.

The field may be a manifestation of changing magnetic connections between eruptions and evolution of small magnetic flux elements in response to convective motions. It shows no detectable latitude or longitude variations. Preliminary observations show no evidence of this field in the 854.2 nm chromosphere.

American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts #210
